
 Adele is an extremely well-known and highly successful British singer/songwriter. Adele has made over $430 million between 2009 between 2009 and the year 2019. This was due mainly to her record-breaking sales and performances in concert. Adele's net worth is $220 million at the time of writing. The Adele style of singing resonates with nearly everyone. Maybe it's the lyric choices she makes, her phrasing, her tone, or something less defined. It was that which made her debut album "19" multi-Platinum across numerous continents. The second album she released was among the top awarded albums of all times. From the time she released her debut single in 2007 she has been awarded five American Music Awards, 12 Billboard Music Awards, 20 Billboard Year-End Awards (for songs which have set records over the previous year) Four BRIT Awards, one Golden Globe Nine Grammy Awards, and an Oscar. She has won 107 major music awards for her two studio albums, out of an impressive 188 nominations. This is quite impressive. She has sold 7 million copies of her first album and 26 million copies of "21", her second album. As the albums have been hugely popular, her songs have played on international radio often, and she has appeared on reality singing contests,Adele Adele


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